
服务单位 联华众创空间

咨询洽谈 · 预约考察

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北京市市场监督管理局等六部门关于深化营商环境改革推进全程网上办理提高企业开办效率的通知 京市监发〔2019〕4号



























  北京市市场监督管理局 国家税务总局北京市税务局

  北京市公安局 北京市人力资源和社会保障局

  中国人民银行营业管理部 北京住房公积金管理中心


  Opinions of Six Departments Including theMunicipal Administration for Market Regulation on

  Deepening Business Environment Reform, Advancing Whole-Process Online Handling and

  Improving the Efficiency of Business Approval

  Jing Shi Jian Fa [2019] No. 4

  The People’s Governments of all districts and all related departments of,

  To deeply implement the spirit of the decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening business environment reform and follow the work plan of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Beijing Municipal People’s Government, we hereby propose the requirements concerning continuously optimizing the business environment and further improving the business approval efficiency as follows:

  I. Guidelines

  Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we shall fully implement the gist of the 19th CPC National Congress, closely center on the new concept for urban development as the capital city, follow the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and People’s Government, take the substantial enhancement of sense of gain of the masses as the starting point, deepen reforms, gear to the first class level, collaborate among department, achieve linkage between the municipal government and district government, provide more convenient, efficient and people-oriented business start-up services for the people and spare no efforts to promote high quality development of the capital.

  II. Objectives

  We shall expedite the whole-process online handling of business registration, issue the new version of “E-window” municipal-level online business registration service platform, realize “handling at one window, form-filling at one time, one process and clearing within three days”, constantly improve the intelligence and convenience of the paperless whole-process electronic registration system, gear to the world leading level and spare no efforts to create a stable, fair, transparent and expectable business environment. We will integrate such links involved in the business registration as business license application (including free official seal), requisition of invoice and recruitment information collection into one. The enterprise may apply for all items with just one online form-filling, meet the general operating conditions within 3 days and realize operation with entry.

  III. Arrangements

  1. Optimize the online service platform to ensure “form-filling at one time and clearing within 3 days”

  We shall optimize the “E-window” online business registration platform and realize “handing at one window” through “form-filling at one time and one submission”. While handling business on the “E-window” platform, the applicant may fill out all information at one stop and inquire about the handling progress in real time. Business license obtaining, official seal engraving, invoice claiming and recruitment information collecting will be merged, the time limit for a single item shall not exceed 24 hours and the whole handling time shall not exceed 3 days. We shall unify the inter-department information sharing and exchange standard in accordance with the principles of “one source for one data, information sharing and one-step handling” to realize real-time data sharing between departments. We shall gradually enrich system functions and provide optimized services including appointed bank account opening to facilitate business handling of enterprises. We shall reserve system expansion space and make appropriate optimization and improvement based on the operating conditions and user feedbacks.

  2. Promote electronic certificate and license service and improve social awareness on electronic business license and unified social credit code

  We will issue the electronic business licenses carrying the market entity information to all enterprises. The electronic business license is a legal electronic certificate issued in accordance with national laws and regulations and national uniform standards, and has the same legal effect as a paper business license. The electronic business license adopts cryptography technology and takes the State Administration for Market Regulation as the nationally unified source of trust, providing security for identity authentication, anti-counterfeiting and electronic signature. An enterprise can download and use it at any time based on its needs, which supports multiple download channels such as WeChat and Alipay. The electronic business license can be used for identification of market entities. An enterprises can handle related business with an electronic business license without providing a paper business license. We will gradually improve social awareness on the unified social credit code, truly realizing operation anywhere with one license and one code of the market entity.

  3. Advance approval system reform and implement the reforms of “Separation between License and Permit” and “Integrating Certificates Into One”

  We will include the reforms of “Separation between License and Permit” and “Integrating Certificates Into One” into the “E-Window” so that the enterprise may realize “Entry while Operation” upon the completion of registration. On the basis of “24 Certificates Into One” and pursuant to the principle of “whatever should be integrated, simplified and withdrawn, wherever possible”, we will classify licensing affairs involving enterprises in an all-round manner, and in principle integrate matters falling on information collection, recordation, disclosure and administrative reference after the reform of “Separation between License and Permit” into the business license as far as possible through the reform of “Integrating Certificates Into One”.

  4. Strengthen interim and ex-post regulation to create a more stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment

  All departments shall strengthen the concept of regulation and actively regulates business operations, develops sound regulation methods and defines regulatory standards, patterns and measures following the principle of “those responsible for approval are responsible for regulation, and those in charge are responsible for regulation” to achieve fair and impartial regulation. We shall continuously improve the inter-departmental joint disciplinary mechanism, establish and improve the credit restraint mechanism, actively guide the self-discipline of enterprises, strengthen social supervision, and optimize the reform of the business environment to become a catalyst for the formation of a new market regulation system.

  VI. Work Requirements

  1.Strengthen overall coordination

  The special work teams at the municipal and the district levels shall coordinate the work related to further improving efficiency and optimizing business environment for corporate registration and all departments shall strengthen communications and collaboration to ensure true implantation of all reform measures and fully ensure the constant optimization of the business environment of capital city.

  2.Strengthen publicity and training

  All districts and relevant departments shall make proper publicity by conducting all-dimensional and multi-angle policy interpretation and guidance in various forms with great efforts to improve policy awareness and participation. You shall also enhance the training of the government service window staff in service standards and specifications to effectively solve the last-mile problem for the implementation of business environment policy.

  3.Strengthen implementation safeguarding

  Based on the actual situation of the reform, all district government and departments should cherish the concept of working for the people, do a good job in staff arrangement, hardware equipment, collaboration and other fields, and ensure the compliance of business, availability of software and hardware support and smooth collaboration between authorities.

  4.Strengthen work execution

  All departments shall effectively implement all reform measures, firmly honor all commitments to the society and strengthen the supervision and inspection of policy implantation. You shall solicit opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society for the policy implementation and actively positive accept the oversight of the enterprises and the masses.

  Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

  Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration

  Municipal Public Security Bureau

  Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

  Operations Office () of the People’s Bank of China

  Municipal Housing Provident

  February 2, 2019

  ​密云区关于促进文化产业恢复发展实施实体书店补贴政策的工作方案(试行) 京密宣发〔2022〕13号 
  关于继续加大中小微企业帮扶力度加快困难企业恢复发展的落实措施 昌政办发〔2022〕9号 
  关于继续加大中小微企业帮扶力度加快困难企业恢复发展的若干措施 京平政办发〔2022〕6号 
  北京市经济和信息化局关于印发《北京市中小企业公共服务示范平台管理办法》的通知 京经信发〔2022〕37号 
  北京市人民政府国有资产监督管理委员会等7部门关于减免服务业小微企业和个体工商户房屋租金有关事项的通知 丰国资发〔2022〕10号 
  关于加大中小微企业金融支持力度建立“融资纾困直通车”工作机制的通知 京金融〔2022〕152号 
  北京市小型微型企业创业创新示范基地管理办法 京经信发〔2022〕38号 
  石景山区继续加大中小微企业帮扶力度加快困难企业恢复发展若干措施 石政办发〔2022〕4号 
  北京市工商行政管理局关于印发全面推进2016年无证无照经营综合治理工作实施意见的通知 京工商发〔2016〕36号 
  中华人民共和国市场主体登记管理条例实施细则 国家市场监督管理总局令 第 52 号 

  营商环境  改革  办理  开办  效率
  北京市市场监督管理局  京市监发


 关于深化营商环境改革推进全程网上办理提高企业开办效率的通知 京市监发〔2019〕4号

 关于进一步优化营商环境提高企业开办效率的通知 京工商发〔2018〕9号

 北京市市场监督管理局等六部门关于深化营商环境改革推进全程网上办理提高企业开办效率的通知 京市监发〔2019〕4号



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咨询洽谈 · 预约考察

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