
服务单位 联华众创

咨询洽谈 · 预约考察

电话 010-61256989
手机 17319287279(微信同号)
注册地址/挂靠地址出租 3500~5000元/年
工位出租 600~1000元/月
办公室/会议室/洽谈室…出租 40~80元/小时
公司注册/税务登记/银行开户 500元起

关于实行新企业开办“一窗办理”服务模式的意见(试行) 京政服发〔2019〕14号













  (一)关于大厅综合窗口设置。政务服务大厅应按照 “前台综合受理、后台分类审批、窗口统一出件”要求,设置新企业开办综合受理、综合出件、综合咨询等综合窗口,为企业提供“一窗办理”的前台服务。各相关审批部门不得在前台设立专项服务窗口。








  北京市政务服务管理局 北京市市场监督管理局

  国家税务总局北京市税务局 北京市公安局

  北京市人力资源和社会保障局 北京住房公积金管理中心



  Opinions on the Implementation of the “One-Window Handling” Service Mode for New Enterprises (Trial)

  Jing Zheng Fu Fa [2019] No. 14

  To the People’s Governments of all districts and all related departments of Beijing Municipality,

  In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on optimizing the business environment and further improve the efficiency of the city’s enterprise establishment, the following suggestions are made on the implementation of the “one-window handling” service mode of new enterprise establishment in the government affairs service halls of all districts in the city in accordance with the requirements of the municipal leaders:

  I. Work Mode

  Integrated windows for starting a new business shall be set up in the municipal and district government affairs service halls, and the personnel in such windows shall be responsible for all the external services at the front end, while the personnel of relevant examination and approval departments shall be responsible for the examination and approval of matters and related services at the back end. Front end and back end provide seamless services in response to the requests of new businesses and deliver “service packages” including business license, official seal and invoice. This mode greatly reduces the time for stating a new business and ensures that new eligible enterprises can enjoy one-window handling, one-time submission and one-day completion.

  II. Work Flow

  1. Taking a queuing number under guidance. Dedicated personnel shall be arranged to instruct applicants to take a queuing number and offer handling advice. Applicants shall be guided to the waiting area and submit the handling materials to the integrated window after being called.

  2. Window review. When an applicant submits materials, the integrated window shall review these materials according to the application items of the enterprise. If the applicant meets the requirement, the integrated window shall inform the applicant of the time to receive the results and ask the applicant to wait, while transferring the materials to the examination and approval department at the back end for examination and approval. If the applicant does not meet the requirement, the integrated window shall inform the applicant of the required materials and procedures and shall accept the case again after the applicant submits additional necessary materials or makes corrections.

  3. Back-end examination and approval. The back-end examination and approval department shall carry out examination and approval according to job responsibilities. If the examination and approval is handled independently by the department, the result shall be directly transferred to the integrated window by the department. If the examination and approval is handled jointly by multiple departments, the result shall be reviewed by the department at the final procedure according to the working procedure and uniformly transferred to the integrated window.

  4. Unified issuance of certificates. After the examination and approval is completed, the integrated window shall promptly inform the applicant to get the results. After verifying the applicant’s identity, the integrated window shall issue the “service package” of business license, official seal and invoice to the applicant. Applications accepted on the day shall be handled on the same day.

  III. Work Measures

  1. Setup of the integrated window. In accordance with the requirements of “comprehensive acceptance at the front end, classified examination and approval at the back end, and unified issuance at the window”, the government affairs service hall shall set up integrated windows for comprehensive acceptance, issuance and consultation for new businesses, as to provide front-end “one-window handling” services for enterprises. The relevant examination and approval departments shall not set up special service windows at the front end.

  2. Company name. Enterprises can automatically check whether a name is used through the “E-window” system, and directly apply for starting a business.

  3. Official seal engraving. The government provides a set of official seals for new enterprises free of charge and further improves the service efficiency of official seal engraving. The official seal shall be delivered to the integrated window within 120 minutes after the approval of business license.

  4. Use of electronic business license. New enterprises can directly handle tax, social security, provident fund, statistical registration and other matters with the electronic business license.

  5. Real-name authentication. The real-name authentication information collected by “E-window” in a full-caliber manner is not necessarily collected by other departments again. Supplementary information, if required, shall be collected by the integrated window.

  6. Expedited response to invoice application. The invoice application shall be completed immediately instead of within the specified timeframe, and the handling time shall not exceed 50 minutes.

  IV. Work Requirements

  All districts and departments shall attach great importance to the “one-window handling” for starting a business, and organize the implementation of related tasks in a timely manner. The front-end integrated window and the back-end examination and approval department shall strengthen business cooperation, and complete the handling of all services related to starting a business in strict accordance with relevant work standards, procedures and time limits, so as to improve the efficiency of enterprise establishment. The Supervision Office of Beijing Municipal Government will, in conjunction with relevant municipal departments, carry out special supervision over the task implementation of various districts and departments in due time.

  Beijing Municipal Administration of Government Services

  Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

  Beijing Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration

  Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau

  Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

  Beijing Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center

  Operations Office (Beijing) of the People’s Bank of China

  April 23, 2019

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  北京市小型微型企业创业创新示范基地管理办法 京经信发〔2022〕38号 
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   北京市市场监督管理局关于做好因列异满三年列入严重违法失信企业名单移出工作(试行)的通知 京...

  新企业开办  一窗办理


 关于实行新企业开办“一窗办理”服务模式的意见(试行) 京政服发〔2019〕14号

 关于实行新企业开办“一窗办理”服务模式的意见(试行) 京政服发〔2019〕14号



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咨询洽谈 · 预约考察

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