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工商总局关于推行企业登记全程电子化工作的意见 工商企注字〔2017〕43号















































  Opinions of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Promoting the Whole-Process Electronic Registration of Enterprises

  No. 43 [2017] of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce

  The administrations for industry and commerce and market regulatory departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning and sub-provincial cities:

  In order to further enhance the facilitation, standardization and information technology of the enterprise registration administration, the following opinions on promoting the whole-process electronic registration of enterprises are hereby offered in accordance with the Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Scheme for the Registration System Reform of Registered Capital (Guo FaNo. 7[2014]) and the Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Promotion of the "Internet + Government Services" Work (Guo FaNo. 55 [2016]).

  I. General Requirements

  1. Guiding ideology

  In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of the commercial affair system, with the facilitation of the industrial and commercial registration system as the theme, the reforms to simplify procedures, decentralize powers, enhance supervision, and optimize public services shall be constantly promoted, so as to enhance the benefits of enterprises and convenience for people to the fullest extent, provide more convenient, fast and efficient services for enterprises and the public, arouse the entrepreneurship and innovation vigor of enterprises, and share the “Internet plus government services” development results.

  2. Objectives

  With the aim of the convenience, efficiency, benefit to the people during the whole- process enterprise registration and window registration retained, the online registration system covering all businesses and applying to all types of enterprises will be launched by the end of October 2017,so as to achieve the online handling of all business links of all types of enterprises such as formation, modification, filing and cancellation, and the gradual implementation of the paperless whole-process electronic registration if possible.

  3. Basic principles

  (1) Overall planning. In accordance with the unified standards as required by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”), under the leadership of local Party committees and governments, the intensive construction shall be reinforced by fully utilizing existing resources and facilities. Overall consideration shall be given to the construction needs of the window registration, the whole-process electronic registration and the electronic business license to create the enterprise registration process in line with the whole- process electronic registration requirements and characteristics and effectively upgrade and revamp the current enterprise registration system.

  (2) Problem orientation. Proceeding from resolving such problems attracting great public concerns as the difficult, inefficient and cumbersome services, the work process shall be streamlined and the administration system of the whole-process electronic registration of enterprises shall be established and improved to offer applicants the enterprise registration services with diverse channels, comprehensive businesses and ease of use. No fees may be charged from enterprises and it is not allowed to increase the burden on enterprises.

  (3) Convenience and efficiency. The operation mode of “filing an application by an applicant via external network, conducting examination by the staff via internal network, and giving feedbacks on the examination result via external network” by making full use of the electronic and network advantages shall be adopted to realize the whole-process electronic registration of an enterprise. At the current stage, in order to provide convenience for enterprises' handling of affairs and respect their rights to choose the handling channel, the applicant may independently choose the window or whole- process electronic registration mode.

  (4) Safety and reliability. The safe, credible, stable and reliable whole- process electronic registration shall be guaranteed through lawful technical means. The collection, processing, storage and management of the enterprise electronic archives shall be regulated to ensure the authenticity, integrity and validity of electronic archives.

  II. Major Tasks

  1. Establish the registration process and standards.

  (1) Optimize the registration process. The applicant for registration through the administration system of the whole-process electronic registration of enterprises shall, by reference to prompt messages of the system, conduct the user registration, enter the registration information online, and submit such information after signing online. After the examination over materials of the applicant by the registration authority, it shall conduct the confirmation, license issuance, filing and announcement online. The applicant choosing the paperless whole-process electronic registration is not required to submit paper application materials at the registration window.

  (2) Unify document standards. In accordance with laws, regulations, and other relevant provisions and from the perspectives of convenience for enterprises and simplification of registration formalities, the SAIC organizes the revision of the Standards on Enterprise Registration Application Documents and the Standards on the Materials Submitted for Enterprise Registration. Giving equal consideration to the requirements for the window registration and the whole-process electronic registration, all localities shall carry out the systematic improvement and integrate and optimize contents to be entered for the enterprises’ convenience according to relevant standards issued by the SAIC.

  (3) Parallelize multiple registration methods Taking into consideration the facilitation of enterprise registration application, all localities shall continue to provide window registration services, etc. while opening up the whole-process electronic business registration. An electronic business license shall be created, no matter what method for business registration application is used. The applicant can request for the paper business license while getting the electronic version.

  4. Assist examination with information-based means The registration authorities should make full use of information technology to improve the function of the online registration system, and use more intelligent means to assist the registration authority in the formal examination of the registration application materials and improve the registration efficiency. The applicants are responsible for the authenticity and legality of the materials submitted. Where civil disputes between the shareholders and the company and between shareholders are aroused from the business registration, the parties shall be guided to file a civil lawsuit in the people’s court in accordance with the law and seek judicial remedies.

  2. Accelerate construction of the business system

  (1) Establish the management system for whole-process enterprise electronic registration Online registration, as an integral part of the whole-process electronic registration of enterprises, is the initial stage of the process. By the end of October, 2017, the registration authorities in all localities shall activate the all-region, all-type and all-step online registration system for enterprises. If an online registration system for enterprises has been established, it can be upgraded and transformed on the basis of the original system, and various stages of application, acceptance, approval, licensing, publicity of all types of enterprises can be electronically registered through online transmission of electronic data. Eligible regions can directly establish the paperless whole-process electronic registration, with no need to repeatedly construct the online registration system. There shall be seamless connection between the whole-process electronic registration and the window registration to form a new government service pattern with functional complementation between the online and the offline.

  (2) Standardize user management The applicant using the whole-process electronic registration and management system shall register as an online user. When registering, a natural person shall submit true and accurate information such as name, identity card, mobile phone number and image while the system makes automatic confirmation by making automatic comparisons in the legal and effective identity authentication system. A corporate body or any of the other organizations shall submit information including name of the entity, identity certificate and mobile phone numbers of relevant persons like the legal representative (principal) and the system makes automatic confirmation after acquiring information from the national legal person database or national enterprise credit information disclosure system platform; An applicant that is not able to make confirmation by any of the above-mentioned methods may submit the subject identity information and materials in the electronic form. If any local government service platform (online unified identity authentication system) satisfies the above-mentioned confirmation requirements, it can be directly connected.

  3. Realize electronic signature. In case of application by means of whole-process electronic registrations, the material signatory shall leave electronic signatures in the electronic application materials to be submitted. A natural person shall sign personally while a corporate body or other organization shall sign by its authorized signatory. Any electronic signature that is in compliance with the Electronic Signature Law or bears the nature of irreversibility and non-repudiation and is signed or presents true meaning and confirms data messages on devices like mobile phones or computers through the system shall be deemed as valid. The application materials electronically signed by the applicant shall be deemed as compliant with the legal form.

  (4) Establish the traceability mechanism. The whole-process electronic registration and management system shall take necessary administrative measures and technical means to realize trace management of data and processes generated in such steps as user registration, application submission, online signature, acceptance and review and license issuance and filing, so as to make all of them traceable and searchable and make sure all steps of the whole-process electronic registration secure and reliable.

  (5) Innovate the system service mode. The whole-process electronic registration and management shall automatically generate a complete registration and application material package on the basis of the contents filled in. All localities may, pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, data standards and registration and regulatory information, provide services including intelligent filling-in, check reminder and mobile client for the applicants.

  3. Strengthen electronic file management.

  (1) Collection of electronic files. All data messages complying with legal regulations, such as original electronic application materials, electronic examination forms of the registration authority and related database files and images generated in the whole-process electronic registration are electronic files and have the same legal validity with paper files. All localities shall properly collect and sort electronic films. The data acquired through whatever technical means shall uniformly generate electronic files in accordance with the requirements in documents like the Standards on Enterprise Registration Application Documents issued by SAIC.

  (2) Storage of electronic files. All localities shall strengthen management of electronic files and apply compliant security technologies and means to ensure authenticity, credibility, reliability, completeness and availability of the electronic files. You shall also actively support and cooperate with local file management departments for file management. In case of the electronic files of an enterprise that shall be forwarded to local file management departments for custody according to provisions, the file management department of the handling authority shall also make permanent storage for future inquiry.

  (3) Utilization of electronic files. The registration authority shall provide electronic file information query in accordance with relevant provisions to leverage such advantages of electronic files as sharing friendliness and gradually promote self-service enquiry of electronic files. Effective measures shall be taken to protect information involving individual or enterprise privacy, trade secrets and other sensitive information. All confidential information shall comply with relevant national requirements regarding confidentiality and security.

  (4) Transfer of electronic files. In case an enterprise adopting whole-process electronic registration needs to relocate and change the registration authority, the original registration authority shall hand over the electronic files to the destination registration authority, together with the paper files, if any. In case data connection is impossible, the printing copies of the electronic files with the file enquiry stamps shall be transferred. The original registration authority shall continue to store the electronic file data of the enterprise already relocated, so as to ensure traceability and searchability. The electronic files handed over and taken over shall be true and credible, full and complete and safe and usable.

  4. Strengthen information publicity and credit supervision.

  (1) Publicize information in a timely manner. For enterprises that have been approved for registration, the registration authority shall publicize the basic information and electronic business license of the enterprise through the national enterprise credit information disclosure system in accordance with relevant provisions of the enterprise information disclosure, fully integrate the “Internet Plus government service”, and promote mutual communication, recognition and sharing of the basic information and electronic business licenses of enterprises between the departments.

  (2) Intensify punishment measures. Malicious acts, such as providing false identities and submitting false materials (documents) in the process of whole-process electronic registration shall be investigated and treated by law and relevant personnel shall be restricted from handling whole-process electronic registration of enterprises. In case of fraudulent registration by counterfeiting others’ identity cards or others’ online identity signatures, the infringed person will be supported to safeguard rights by reporting to the public security authority by law, or file a civil lawsuit to the competent people’s court or directly bring an administrative suit for registration cancellation. The registration authority shall dispose relevant registration items by law and according to the legally effective judgement of the court, or the written application of the infringed and the penalty decision by the public security authority affirming the fact of counterfeiting.

  III. Working Requirements

  1. Reinforce organization and leadership.

  All localities shall pay high attention to and fully understand the great significance of the innovation and reform of whole-process electronic registration for enterprises, reinforce organization and leadership in earnest, and make structured plans to promote the work in this regard in a planned, phased and stable manner.

  2. Intensify communication and coordination.

  All localities shall make active coordination and overall dispatch, study and formulate implementation programs under the leadership of the local CPC Committees and People’s Governments, rally supports for policy, fund, technology and personnel and advance the establishment of a linked mechanism for participation, division of work, cooperation, mutual communication and recognition and sharing between all departments to ensure orderly implementation and consolidation of all reform measures.

  3. Organize publicity and training.

  All localities shall fully leverage media including TV, newspaper and Internet for proper public opinion guidance, widely publicize the convenience of the whole-process electronic registration for enterprises, promote the formation of a social consensus and actively create a sound atmosphere of understanding, supporting and participating in the reform of the whole society. All localities shall strengthen business trainings for staff related to business registration, so as to help them fully master business flows, material specifications and operating rules for the whole-process electronic registration and lay a solid foundation for the implementation of the work.

  4. Provide proper service guarantee.

  All localities shall establish the user enquiry mechanism, encourage and help enterprises to use the whole-process electronic registration and management system, unify service approaches in the enquiry methods of the telephone, Internet and mobile platform and explain and respond to problems encountered by enterprises in use.

  Localities where the pilots of whole-process electronic registration of enterprises are already carried out shall make proper performance evaluation on the pilot and improve working programs and technical solutions, so as to further raise the service level and comprehensively advance the work.

  State Administration for Industry and Commerce

  April 10, 2017

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