
服务单位 联华众创空间

咨询洽谈 · 预约考察

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关于推进企业名称自主申报改革试点工作的通知 市监企注〔2018〕1 号



  市监企注〔2018〕1 号




















  Notice of General Office of State Administration for Market Supervision and Management on Promoting the Pilot Work of Autonomous Application for Enterprise Names

  (Shi Jian Qi Zhu [2018] No.1)

  To the administrations for industry and commerce and market regulatory departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government,

  In accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Plan for Market Regulation during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (No. 6 [2017] of the State Council) and the Opinions of State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Improve Registration Efficiency and Actively Promoting Enterprise Name Registration Management Reform (No. 54 [2017] Industry and Commerce Enterprise Registration), the relevant issues are notified as follows, in order to further promote the institutional reform on enterprise name approval, expand the pilot scope of autonomous enterprise name application, reduce enterprise incorporation time and better facilitate enterprise registration services:

  I. Main Content

  Innovate registration methods, simplify registration process, grant the right to enterprises to independently choose their own names, regulate name registration management procedure and improve enterprise name registration efficiency based on the principles of autonomous convenience, unified normalization, openness and transparency.

  (I) Simplify enterprise name registration procedure. Enterprise registration authorities shall open enterprise name databases for the public to search and compare enterprise names. Strengthen the administrative guidance for autonomous application for enterprise names. Enterprise names needn’t go through the pre-approval procedure except for pre-approval items or enterprise name approval and enterprise incorporation registration not processed by the same administration. Enterprises could autonomously apply for their names while going through enterprise incorporation registration.

  (II) Establish autonomous application system for enterprise names. Implement the rules for prohibited enterprise names and similar name comparison. The system will disapprove the applied names that have been registered or prohibited names; the system will advise applicants of required documents and only approve the applicants with related certificates or authorization documents submitted in case of prohibited names; and the system will advise the applicants of infringement risks in case the name is similar to registered names. Strengthen the body responsibilities of autonomous enterprise name application. Enterprises shall promise to bear all related legal liabilities.

  (III) Strengthen the normalization of enterprise name registration. Disclose conditions, procedure, term and review requirements for autonomous application for enterprise names, as well as the application scope of regulations and registration documents. For autonomous application for enterprise names, the enterprise registration authorities will not register the names that are found against the prohibition rules, public order, good customs of society and credibility principles. Improve the correction mechanism of autonomous application for enterprise names. Enterprise registration authorities shall ask enterprises to change names within the specific timeframe, if they find any inappropriately registered enterprise names.

  (IV) Establish the mechanism for resolving enterprise name disputes. Further clarify the legal relationship in the process of enterprise name usage and quickly resolve enterprise name disputes. The enterprise name approval administration will deal with enterprises that abuse the enterprise name in the operating activities and any other disputes related to enterprise names. Disputes related to trademarks that influence others and other commercial trademark disputes shall be resolved subject to the Anti-unfair Competition Law.

  (V) Strengthen the post-supervision of enterprise name registration. If the people’s court or related administrations order enterprises to correct or stop using their enterprise name and enterprises fail to apply for name change within the deadline, enterprise registration authorities shall replace such enterprise name with unified social credit code in the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System and announce the results publicly.

  II. Pilot scope

  The administrations for industry and commerce and market regulatory departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall select more than two cities to carry out pilot autonomous application for enterprise names under the unified guidance of provincial administrations for industry and commerce and market regulatory departments, pursuant to the “13th Five-Year Plan of the State Council for Market Supervision” and requirements of this Notice. By the end of June 2018, formulate the implementation plan and submit it to the State Administration for Market Supervision and Management for approval. For qualified provinces, they shall carry out the pilot reform in more than 50% of areas under their jurisdiction by the end of September 2018.

  III. Working Requirements

  (I) Strengthen organizational guarantee. Strengthen the organizational leadership and unified coordination of pilot enterprise name reform, carefully draft the pilot implementation plan and supporting rules, carry out safeguarding work such as establishing rules, improving the organization and staffing, clarify the division of responsibilities and ensure all reform tasks to be carried out orderly.

  (II) Improve information system. Before implementing the pilot reform of enterprise name registration management, better carry out system development and renovation, improve the system consistency in certain scope, improve system intelligence and automation level, strengthen dynamic maintenance and management, and ensure related work to be implemented smoothly.

  (III) Strengthen the promotion and training. Promote and interpret the pilot reform policies on enterprise name registration management, advocate enterprises to maintain public order and good customs of society and adopt the credibility principles. Strengthen business training and ensure the professionalism and stability of personnel who are engaged in enterprise name registration.

  The administrations for industry and commerce and market regulatory departments of all regions shall strengthen monitoring survey of pilot reform for autonomous application for enterprise names, focus on finding new situation, solving new problems and summarizing new experience. They shall report major problems occurred in the pilot work to the State Administration for Market Supervision and Management in a timely manner.

  General Office of State Administration for Market Supervision and Management

  (Sealed by State Administration for Industry and Commerce)

  March 30, 2018

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咨询洽谈 · 预约考察

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